

Prices & Fees Information

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Procedure Price
Initial Homeopathic Consultation – 60mins £160
Follow-up Consultations – 30min £90
Follow-up Basic Care Package (Includes 3 follow-up consultations) £240
Follow-up Comprehensive Care Package (Includes 6 follow-up consultations) £490
Follow-up Extended Care Package (Includes 10 follow-up consultations) £700
Chronic Conditions Treatment Price
Chronic Condition Management Initial Consultation – 60mins £160
Chronic Condition Management Follow-Up Consultations – 30mins £90
Chronic Condition Management Package (1 Initial Consultation and 4 Follow-Up Consultations) £490
Homeopathic Detoxification Price
Single Detox Session – 60mins £160
Detox Starter Package (Includes an initial consultation and two follow-up detox sessions) £390
Comprehensive Detox Program (Comprises an initial consultation, six detox sessions over three months, and a final evaluation) £650
Family Detox Plan (Includes initial consultations and first detox sessions for up to four family members) £750
Maintenance Package (Includes one session per month for ongoing support and health optimization for a year) £900
Women’s Health Price
Initial Consultation £160
Follow-up Consultations £90
Follow-up Basic Care Package (Includes 3 follow-up consultations) £240
Stress and Emotional Well-being Price
Initial Consultation £160
Follow-up Consultation £90
Package of 5 Follow-Ups £400
Comprehensive Care Package – 3-Month Wellness Plan: An all-inclusive package for ongoing support, including an initial consultation, bi-weekly follow-ups, and email support £600
Extended Care Package – 6-Month Wellness Journey: Ideal for those dealing with chronic stress, offering sustained support with a holistic approach.
Includes: Initial consultation, monthly follow-ups, direct access to your practitioner, and personalized wellness planning.
Stress Relief Bundle – Acute Stress Support: Short-term assistance with immediate stressors, including two acute care sessions and a follow-up £300
Acute Care Appointments Price
Acute Care Appointment Fee – 30mins £90
Paediatric Homeopathy Price
Initial Paediatric Consultation £160
Follow-Up Consultations £90
Acute Care Visits £90
Package of 3 Follow-Up Consultations £240
Package of 5 Follow-Up Consultations £400
Payment Methods

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, checks and cash. Not American Express. Most insurance accepted. We also offer a $30 discount with cash payments.


If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 24 hours notice. We ask for this advance notice so that we can offer this appointment to another patient. A fee may be charged if a patient does not show up for an appointment without sufficient notice.

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